Thank You Guys!


Director: Riccardo Milani
Screenplay: Michele Astori, Riccardo Milani, from “Un Triomphe – The Big Hit” by Emmanuel Courcol
Cinematography: Saverio Guarna
Editing: Patrizia Ceresani, Francesco Renda
Set design: Marta Maffucci
Costume design: Alberto Moretti
Music: Andrea Guerra

Antonio Albanese, Sonia Bergamasco, Vinicio Marchioni, Giacomo Ferrara, Giorgio Montanini, Andrea Lattanzi, Nicola Rignanese, Imma Piro, Gerhard Koloneci, Liliana Bottone, Bodgan Iordachioiu, Fabrizio Bentivoglio

Supported by the Embassy of Italy in Georgia


Faced with a lack of job offers, Antonio takes a job as a teacher for a drama class in a penitentiary. He finds talent among the unlikely company of inmates, and this ignites again his passion and desire for theatre. Antonio decides to stage “Waiting for Godot”, the celebrated comedy by Samuel Beckett, in a real theatre. As days go by, the inmates surrender to Antonio’s resolution and let themselves go, discovering the liberating power of art and its ability to give purpose and hope beyond waiting.
