Negative Numbers


Director and Scriptwriter – Uta Beria
DOP – Tato Kotetishvili
Music – Tete Noise
Editing – Alexander Kuranov, Nodar Nozadze
Production Design – Ika Avaliani
Costume Design – Tinatin Kvinikadze
Makeup – Salome Zakaqaria
Assistant Directors – Nutsa Tsikaridze, Tedo Dolidze
Producers – David Isakadze, Kote Takaishvili, Miguel Govea, Brett Walker
Co-producers – Loic Magneron, Simona Banchi, Alfredo Federico
Associate Producers – Nodar Andguladze, Lexo Gugava, George Duchidze
Co-executive Producers – Anna Khazaradze, Nino Chichua
Line Producer – David Kopaleishvili

Sandro Kalandadze, Giorgi Khurtsilava, Tedo Bekhauri, Gaga Shishinashvili, Viktor Barbakadze, Lexo Gugava, Lasha Katsiashvili, Ana Javakhishvili, Sandro Abashidze, Demetre Akhobadze, Andro Chichinadze, George Duchidze, Luka Gvaramia

Debut film by Uta Beria
Production by Magnet Films
In co-production with: Wide, 39 films, Alief
With the financial suport of: Georgian National Film Centre; Eurimages; CNC


Rugby training is introduced in the juvenile detention center of Georgia, which, in agreement with the administration, is run by the prisoners, according to the criminal laws. Rugby, along with physical improvement, causes mental changes too, and the main character is facing a dilemma. He needs to make a choice between authoritarian power and inner freedom.

  • Coutnry

    Georgia, France, Italy

  • Year


  • Duration


  • Tags

