Moja Vesna


Director: Sara Kern
Screenwriter: Sara Kern
Cinematographer: Lev Predan Kowarski
Art Director: Maddison Haywood
Costumes Designer: Ellen Stanistreet
Producer: Rok Biček, Sharlene George, Gal Greenspan
Co-producer: Katy Roberts
Line Producer: Ira Cecic, Rachel Forbes
Production: Cvinger Film, Sweetshop & Green (AU)
Sales Agent: Wide Management

Loti Kovacic, Mackenzie Mazur, Gregor Baković, Rosanna Sciulli, Isaac Heim


Moja has a void in her life. 10 years old she has already faced the loss of a mother. After that, her father became a living ghost. She also has an older sister, Vesna, a pregnant teenage girl who writes poetry and reads poems out loud to Moja. In a family with various problems, Moja is the only bright spot to try and fix them.
